Shared Reading Lesson Plan With the Junkyard Wonders

Long-term plan: Unit of measurement 7 Fantasy world

School: Secondary schoolhouse after K.Mendaliev

Date: 18.05.2018

Instructor proper name: Mendikhanova G.Sh.

Form: v

Number nowadays:


Lesson title: Globe

Learning objective

5.L1understand a sequence of supported classroom instructions

5.R2 understand with trivial support specific information and detail in curt simple texts on a express range of general and curricular topics

five.S6 communicate meaning clearly at judgement level during, pair, group and whole grade exchanges

Lesson objectives

  • Understand the listening song and put the pictures in order

  • Read and define the main idea in the text

  • Identify details in a text with little support

  • Demonstrate an power to express ideas clearly

Assessment criteria

  • Connect logically information with ideas of other people

  • Encourage students' creativity and create a positive attitude to speaking

  • Demonstrate, organize and express abilities clearly

Value links

Learners are taught to be literacy

Common history, culture and language ("Mangilike Yel" , 6)

Cross curricular links

Geography Literature

ICT skills

Agile board and projector to present the material

Previous learning

Basic knowledge well-nigh mythical creature


Planned timings

Planned activities



two min

5- 7 min


10 min

(W) Greetings

– Good morning time! Welcome to our lesson.

T. divides the students into 3 groups using the method of puzzles:

Students take a slice of newspaper and should collect the picture.

world of illusions Fantasy earth Mythical world

1,two,iii groups

-What pictures accept you got? The world of illusion, mythical, dream.?

-How practise nosotros call them?

-Predict the theme of the lesson. Today we are going to speak almost fantasy world, mythical creatures.

(W) Listening. "Weird Sisters Harry Potter Song"

Pre – Listening

-What other creatures exercise you know? Name them.

-What are their feature?

While- Listening

-Listen to the song and put the pictures in order.

Post Listening

-Play the song again and check answers. Interruption the song after each poetry and elicit or say the animals, learners repeat. Cheque answers as a class.

(W) Reading


-Have you ever read stories about fantasy animals?

-Look at the pictures. Which shows:

a lion? a mouse? a centaur? a minotaur? a Pegasus, hydra, wolf.





two min

(West) While reading.

Differentiation past tasks

The first A grouping - Complete the crossword.

The second B group - Read the text and complete the sentences.

The 3rd C group - Identify similarities and differences.

Text: "Escape to Narnia" Answer the (Wh) questions.

Answer the (Wh) questions.

  1. What is the text about?

  2. Who is the male monarch of Narnia?

  3. What kind of Aslan's character?

  4. What mythical creatures has Narnia?


-Reply the (Who) questions using the details of the text

(Chiliad) Post Reading.

A group. Complete the crossword.


-Observe the correct words

B group. Read the text and complete the sentences.

  1. The writer of the Narnia is…

  2. The male monarch of Narnia is………

  3. Reepicheep can………

  4. Gryphons can……….

  5. Centaurs look similar…….

  6. Minotaurs are against………


-Fill in the gaps. Observe appropriate words.

C group. Vein diagram.

Compare animals and mythical creatuers. Speak similarities and differences between them. Fore case: Equus caballus---Centaur


-Identify similarities and differences.

(W) Creative piece of work.

Invent and draw a picture of your mythical creature, think of a name, and present it to the course.


  • Draw and draw mythical creatures

  • Organize information logically


"Landmines area" Method

  • What was the theme of our lesson?

  • What animals did we talk about?

  • What was the text about?

  • What similarities and differences you were identify

  • What was the most difficult thing?

  • What new they accept learnt?

Evaluation. Sel

The instructor asks the students almost the well-nigh hard things they have faced during the lesson.

Activity 3-iv

I can practise all the tasks

Action 2-3

Activity one


Differentiation – how do you program to give more back up? How exercise

y'all plan to Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do yous plan to challenge the more able learners?

Assessment – how are you planning to check learners' learning?

Cross-curricular links
ICT links
Values links

  • More back up can be given in the speaking activeness when learners piece of work in group

  • More able learners tin can be appraised with providing them a kind of creative work to express their opinions

Peer-assessment (palm-fist)

  • Thumbs up if they understood everything /thumbs down- didn't understand/ thumbs left or right – understood fifty percent Through assessment

  • This relates to: Existent life


Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic?

What did the learners learn today?

What was the learning atmosphere similar?

Did my planned differentiation work well?

Did I stick to timings? What changes did I make from my plan and why?

Did I stick to timings?

What changes and differentiation should I make next fourth dimension?

Use the infinite below to reflect on your lesson. Reply the most relevant questions from the box on the left about your lesson.

Summary evaluation

What ii things went really well (consider both educational activity and learning)?



What two things would accept improved the lesson (consider both education and learning)?



What take I learned from this lesson nigh the class or individuals that will inform my adjacent lesson?

What take I learned from the reflection of the learners? (difficulties of individuals or all the learners)


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