Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act Impact

The 2009 Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Human activity gave the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) the potency to regulate the manufacture, distribution and marketing of tobacco products to protect public wellness. Products included under this regulatory say-so included cigarettes, smokeless tobacco, roll-your-own tobacco, and any other production the FDA accounted subject to the law. The Tobacco Control Act has dramatically changed how tobacco products are sold and marketed in stores.

On May 5, 2016, the FDA finalized additional deeming regulations on tobacco products. This expands products under FDA regulatory say-so to besides include electronic nicotine commitment systems (e.m. east-cigarettes, vape pens, e-hookah, advanced refillable personal vaporizers, electronic pipes), all cigars (including little cigars, cigarillos, and premium cigars) , hookah (water piping) tobacco , pipe tobacco , nicotine gels , dissolvables, and any novel and hereafter tobacco products.

Final Deeming Regulations Provisions. Minimum sales age of 18 and age verification under 27 applies to cigarettes, smokeless tobacco, cigars, e-cigarettes & others. Prohibition on vending machine sales anywhere except adult-only facilities applies to cigarettes, smokeless tobacco, cigars, e-cigarettes and other products. Prohibition on self-service displays in anywhere other than adult-only facilities applies only to cigarettes and smokeless tobacco. Minimum package size requirements apply only to cigarettes. Prohibition on breaking packages by retailers (e.g., sales of looses) applies only to cigarettes. Prohibition on free samples applies to cigarettes, cigars, e-cigarettes & other products. Free samples are allowed for smokeless tobacco in qualified adults-only facilities. Prohibition on characterizing flavors applies to cigarettes only (menthol and tobacco flavors are still allowed). For mandatory warning labels on packages and advertisements, there are 9 rotating warnings for cigarettes, 4 rotating warnings for smokeless tobacco, 6 rotating warnings for cigars, and 1 static warning for e-cigarettes and other products. The prohibition on brand names on non-tobacco products and brand name sponsorship of sporting and cultural events applies to cigarettes and smokeless tobacco. Required notice of advertising in any non-traditional medium applies to cigarettes and smokeless tobacco.
Table created by the Public Health Law Heart, originally published in their certificate "The Deeming Regulation: FDA Potency Over E-Cigarettes, Cigars, and Other Tobacco Products"

The act also prohibits:

  • Tobacco products marketed with modified risk health descriptors such as "light," "mild,' or low tar, unless specifically approved by the FDA.
  • Non-tobacco gifts with purchase, such as free t-shirts, baseball caps, primal bondage, lighters, etc.

The act also requires:

  • Pre-marketplace review and authorization of new tobacco products by the FDA. Whatsoever product that was not on the market place prior to February fifteen, 2007 must undergo review through one of iii pathways: substantial equivalence (SE), exemption from SE, or pre-marketplace tobacco application (PTMA). This tobacco product review procedure allows the FDA to evaluate the ingredients, production design, health risks, and youth entreatment of tobacco products before assuasive them to be marketed. The timeline for this process has shifted numerous times with changes in administration and lawsuits, but all tobacco companies must submit their applications for all products going through pre-market review by September nine, 2020. The FDA will have i year to review those applications, during which time the products can stay on the market place unless ordered otherwise by the FDA. Learn more almost FDA pre-market review from the Public Health Law Center here. The FDA also published a page on Tobacco Product Applications: Metrics & Reporting detailing the breakdown of product applications they have received and processed so far.
  • Health warnings on advertisements (including warnings for nicotine).
Advertisements for smokeless tobacco and cigarettes with the required health warnings
Required wellness warnings on advertisements, located on the side of a retailer.

Future regulations: flavors

  • Menthol cigarettes and flavored cigars: In April 2021, the FDA announced their intention to issue a rule prohibiting menthol as a characterizing flavor in cigarettes and all characterizing flavors in cigars. However, it is likely to take years for the bureau to finalize and implement a rule. Learn more here about menthol'south initial exclusion from the 2009 FSPTCA's ban on characterizing flavors in cigarettes, tobacco industry litigation, and other federal delays in action.
  • Eastward-cigarettes: On September eleven, 2019, the Trump assistants appear a future ban on the auction of flavored e-cigarettes, simply final guidance from the FDA, issued Jan 2, 2020, just prohibits the sale of flavored cartridge-based (closed organisation) e-cigarette products other than menthol or tobacco season. All the same, additional flavored eastward-cigarettes could be removed from the market place after September 9, 2021 if they are not granted marketing authorization through the FDA'south premarket review process. Acquire more than in the Public Health Law Center's facthsheet Extension & An E-Cigarette Epidemic: The FDA'southward Gatekeeping Authorization for E-Cigarettes.
cigarettes with a variety of flavors, flavored little cigars/cigarillos, and menthol-flavored cigarettes
While cigarette with characterizing flavors (left) were banned in 2009, flavored trivial cigars and cigarillos (middle) have grown in prevalence, and menthol cigarettes (right) are currently excluded from and so ban.

Future Regulations: Nicotine-levels

  • July 28, 2017, the U.Due south. Nutrient and Drug Administration appear its programme to lower the brunt of tobacco-related disease and death by pursuing regulations to lower nicotine levels in cigarettes to non-addictive levels, while encouraging the evolution of innovative tobacco products that may exist less dangerous to public health than cigarettes.
  • On March 15th, 2018, Nutrient and Drug Administration (FDA) Commissioner Scott Gottlieb appear an ANPRM aimed at reducing nicotine in cigarettes to non-addictive levels. FDA-funded research published in the New England Journal of Medicine shows that this type of nicotine reduction could result 5 million more than adults quitting within a year of implementation, and by 2100, could upshot in 33 fewer people becoming smokers, a drib in the smoking rate to equally low as 1.4%, and could prevent 8 million tobacco-related deaths. See more hither. However, advocacy groups like ACSCAN are also calling for a maximum nicotine level for all combustible products, not only for cigarettes.
  • Larn more about the planned regulations on the FDA site on their new plan. 


  • Public Health Police Heart's
    • FDA Tobacco Activeness Center
    • The FDA's New Tobacco Regulatory Plan: What Y'all Need to Know
    • The Deeming Regulation: FDA Authority Over East-Cigarettes, Cigars, and Other Tobacco Products
    • State and Local Tobacco Regulation in a Post-Deeming World
    • FDA Act Litigation Update
    • "Federal Regulation of Tobacco and its Impact on the Retail Environment" Fact Canvass
    • "Telling the Public Health Story to the FDA: How the FDA Regulates Tobacco through the Rulemaking Process" Fact Sheet
  • ChangeLab Solutions'
    • "Getting Your Voice Heard – Commenting on FDA Regulations"
    • "What Tobacco Products are Covered by the 2009 FDA Law?"
  • Middle for Public Wellness & Tobacco Policy'due south "Participatory Rulemaking: A Guide to Locating and Commenting on Proposed Federal Regulations"
  • POS Glossary

Side by side Steps:

  • Visit the FDA Tobacco Products homepage
  • Review the Tobacco Control Human activity
  • Get retailer compliance information
  • Carry a youth activity: Store Audit for FDA Compliance
  • Study a violation to the FDA is a project of Counter Tools. Counter Tools (logo)


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