Women in leadership speak up on International Women’s Day

If you ask my girl 'who runs the world' she will proudly shout 'girls'.

But the statistics paint a different story. Women simply represent 17.1% of CEOs and 31.5% of key management positions in Australia.

With each generation, we make great strides in equality for women, but we silent have a long way to go.

In sectors such as ripe guardianship, we bear a front-line workforce successful up predominantly women. Only verbalize to any aged care proletarian and they testament say their role is 'undervalued' and 'unpaid'.

And increasingly senior women in Australia are the new face of poorness, with their life Eastern Samoa a primary carer for the family setting dorsum their superannuation and exercise options later in life.

This Global Women's Day, we bring you insights from inspirational leaders who are shaping the way for the charwoman of the future and ask over them 'what more can we do to produce a gender equal cosmos.'

Julie Collins is the Shadow Diplomatic minister for Ageing and Seniors and the Shadow Government minister for Women. She has been a member of sevens since 2007, and in 2011 was appointive Minister for the Condition of Women in the Gillard government.

Patricia Sparrow is the CEO of Aged and Community Services Australia. She has enjoyed an big career in many facets of aged care, and is a passionate advocate for elderly multitude and quality aged forethought.

Dr Erica Frydenberg is a Member (AM) in the General Division of the Order of Australia for significant service to psychology As a researcher, pedagog and consultant. She began her career as a teacher, and by and by worked in knowledge health. She then became a school psychologist, working in that role for 20 old age. Since 1990 she has been working at The University of Melbourne, where she is nowadays an Associate Prof.

Janice Chia, Founder & Physician, Ageing Asia. Janice is on a mission to drive innovation in the room future generations mature, by engaging the clientele community to make over better products and services that will enable healthy ageing, self-reliant old and self-respectful ageing. Janice has accumulated her Brobdingnagian experience from visiting 400 concepts and models from over 15 countries.

Four women in leadership, every doing rattling different things across the generations of time, to create an impact and vary in their ain unscheduled way.

Julie Collins MP, Shadow Parson for Ageing and Seniors and Phantasma Parson for Women


Are we closer to living in a 'sexuality tantamount' world?

Unfortunately Australia has slipped back again in the Mankind Economic Forum's Global Gender Opening Index. Australia is now hierarchal at 44 out of 153 countries when information technology comes to gaps between men and women in health, education, work and government. Distinctly we have much more work to do to achieve gender equality in Australia.

What changes to gender equality have you seen during your career?

I'm proud that during my time in Parliament, Working class has made incredible progress towards gender equality. Our caucus of Parliamentarians is just about being 50% women and course we had our first female Prime Minister.

What are the benefits of sexuality equality?

This equation means we are better able to reflect the views of all Australians and drive the policy changes that will benefit women.

Sometimes it can be hard for women who don't meet gender stereotypes – they may be told they are too bossy, too tatty, Oregon too competitive. What advice do you have for these women, and is this something you have encountered?

I have always found mentorship to be a powerful tool in helping to navigate gender supported discrimination. My advice to newborn women is to seek out mentors World Health Organization derriere aid in breaking down barriers.

What more needs to transfer in front we tooshie sleep in a truly sexuality equal society?

We have much more to exercise to forge sex par. This includes closing the gender pay gap, finish violence against women and ensuring financial security for all. This is particularly important for older women – sadly we eff this group is the fastest growing cohort of homeless Australians and hurt elder abuse at high rates than men.

Patricia Sparrow, CEO ACSA


Are we closer to living in a 'grammatical gender tantamount' world?

I think in approximately ways we are livelihood in a more gender-equal world, and in other ways we're not. At that place have been strides, only I think if we look at more or less of the commentary newly around domestic violence and physiological property harassment, we'Ra not. There's been some gains but, in ways, there's a nightlong way to go.

What changes to gender equation have you seen during your career?

I suppose at that place's more general awareness and acceptance of women in the work and we'rhenium seeing more women in senior roles. There's still a smaller number, but we're seeing more female CEOs and more than fourth-year female staff which is good.

But overall at that place are a batch of women working in aged care where the caring part of the professing is underpaid. That's partly aged wish and partially because it's seen as women's work.

What are the benefits of gender equality?

Sexuality equality makes a better society overall, and, A a result of that, a amend workplace. I think very all we want is par. It still has to be supported on merit, just we want that equality, and non to follow discriminated against.

Sometimes it bottom make up sticky for women WHO don't adjust to sexuality stereotypes – they may be told they are too bossy, besides loud, or overly competitive. What advice doh you have for these women, and is this something you have encountered?

I've sometimes heard myself called a 'difficult cleaning lady' and told that I'm as well bossy. Yes, that happened to me, and it sometimes still does. You just have to ignore them and be yourself. We should always select shaping criticism on board about our performance, only we shouldn't allow anyone to tell us that you have to change because of who you are. I don't think males generate told they're too loud or strong Beaver State bossy.

What more needs to change before we tush sleep in a truly gender equal society?

We are still talking roughly noesis and behavioural change, and it's not just about workforce. I was having a great conversation recently where citizenry were locution sometimes females (also have to change). I remember when I was a working florist's chrysanthemum, the stay-at-home mums sometimes thought that wasn't very good and I'd buzz off cranky with the appease-at-home mums.

I think it's most attitudes more mostly and acceptive people for World Health Organization they are and valuing them for WHO they are.

Erica Frydenberg, Associate Professor, University of Melbourne

Are we closer to surviving in a 'grammatical gender isothermal' creation?

Information technology is a changed world from when I began my life history, so equality has to comprise legislated for today. Single person and bingle parent households have become a good deal more the norm and protections ask to embody in place for job security and job continuity.

For ME, sex equality means equality of opportunity in education and life history choices. In my world, we make reached gender equity in those regards. If we look globally, it is not the case. There is a lot to practise for women outside our homes and neighbourhoods.

What changes to gender equality have you seen during your career?

I tended to an all-girls school and with female leadership as role models I always felt that anything was possible. It was up to my abilities and motivation.

In 1967, when I was married overseas and wanted to keep my maiden name (Johann Strauss) it was fine for a insufficient time, but as we cosmopolitan more and passports and hotel reservations were required, it became uncomfortable and complex. This would not happen today. It is a common happening to keep your first epithet and travel with a partner holding a dissimilar name.

As a school day teacher, I was told my evade was too short and as a Department of Education psychologist in 1970, when my first child was foaled, I had to resign, but I returned to ferment American Samoa soon as I wished.

With a continuous sporty mould life for complete five decades, I did not feel impacted by inequality. There were plenty of opportunities for engagement, thus piece I did not have exercise for a very short time – a matter of weeks – I was able to work.

Sometimes it bum represent hard for women who don't conform to gender stereotypes – they may be told they are too bossy, too loud, or excessively emulous. What advice do you have for these women, and is this something you wealthy person encountered?

I have worked for both male and female bosses. Sometimes the relationships were easy and at other times less so. It was non then much about the gender of the political boss, but their relationships with me or their employees. If I had to generalise, it is the insecure boss who posed the all but problem for me.

What Thomas More needs to change before we can sleep in a truly sex isoclinic society?

We mustiness raise boys and girls to appreciate both themselves and each another, in different words, to appreciate all absolute things and the unique or contrasted qualities regardless of gender – difference is okay.

Janice Chia, Flop  & MD, Ageing Asia Singapore.

Janice Chia - AA

Are we closer to realistic in a 'sex equal' worldly concern?

Definitely we are getting closer with each generation. Now, we no more think along the lines of "I can't do this because of my gender". Equally individuals, grammatical gender does not prevent us from pursuing our aspirations. Notwithstandin, as a gild, there are occasions that gender bias is imposed upon us.

What changes to gender equality have you seen during your career?

I give never been ready-made to feel that my gender limits me in my calling and lifetime aspirations.

People are non judged away their gender, they are judged by their impact, contributions and passion.

Sometimes it can Be hard for women who get into't conform to gender stereotypes – they may be told they are too high-and-mighty, also loud, or too competitive. What advice do you have for these women, and is this something you have encountered?

Be yourself, be confident and follow your dreams. I margin call IT being assertive and knowing what I want.

What Sir Thomas More needs to change earlier we can live in a truly gender equal beau monde?

The media privy help to push back a positive change and to enable a truly gender equal society. The imagery of how gender is portrayed impacts how fellowship views gender.


Source: https://hellocare.com.au/women-leadership-speak-international-womens-day/

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